Skye Replacements | Northern Virginia Real Estate Photography

Your real estate photos NEED to be great! Your listing photos are the first thing that anyone will see and will motivate viewers to check out the other content you have for that listing. A typical listing has about 45 photos. Out of those 45 photos, which one would you say is the most important? We say the first one, which is normally the front exterior of the listing. This one photo will either draw your viewers in or keep them swiping. In today’s blog, we will be talking about Skye Replacements, and how they impact your front exterior photo!

Video Tours are a Realtors Greatest Content Asset

Real estate listing photos are great, but are they enough? Content is king, so the more content that shows off the value and beauty of your listing the better. They say, “A photo is worth a thousand words.” My response is, “How many words is a video worth?

REALTORS… How to Scan a QR Code

QR codes are a realtors best friend… well if they know how to scan one. In today’s blog, we are covering how to scan a QR code and what are some ways realtors should be using these images.

Top Reasons Why Realtors Should Stage Your Home

To stage or not to stage? As a homeowner looking to sell their home in Northern Virginia, the question to stage their home gets asked a lot. “Is staging worth it?” “What does staging really do for my home?” “Will staging help my real estate photos?” In today’s blog, we are going over why you […]

Before and After Example of Why Realtors Should Stage Your Listings

Is professionally staging your home worth it? Here at Blue Skye Media – Real Estate Photography, we think so. Typically, when a home is empty a professional stager needs to come in and make the listing look more like home. Check out our full blog on “Why You Should Stage Your Listings” Before you check […]

Realtors… Why Aren’t You Using QR Codes?!

Aww, the QR code, a simple and easy to use image that not too many Northern Virginia realtors use. Today’s blog is all about sparking some ideas for Northern Virginia realtors in how to use QR to better their listings and real estate business! More of a listener? Check out our video on this topic! […]

Why Realtors NEED Drone Footage

| Northern Virginia Real Estate Photography Aerial footage is a great asset for all real estate agents across the country. These unique views provide future home buyers with some of the best angles to help them with their home buying decision. The Northern Virginia real estate market is filled full of beautiful landscapes, neighborhoods, unique […]

What is the BEST Day to Put Your Listing on the Market?

If you knew where the right place was and could be there at the right time, wouldn’t you? When it comes to putting your house on the market, it seems that time has spoken and that magic day is… Thursday! Redfin has done a couple of studies over the past years and Thursdays have consistently proven to […]

Why Drone Footage is HUGE for Realtors in Northern Virginia and Millennial Home Buyers

Aerial footage is a great asset for all real estate agents across the country. These unique views provide future home buyers with some of the best angles to help them with their home buying decision. The Northern Virginia real estate market is filled full of beautiful landscapes, neighborhoods, unique architecture, and bodies of water, presenting […]


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