Aww, the QR code, a simple and easy to use image that not too many Northern Virginia realtors use. Today’s blog is all about sparking some ideas for Northern Virginia realtors in how to use QR to better their listings and real estate business!
More of a listener? Check out our video on this topic!
If you don’t know what a QR code looks like, below is an example.
Scan Me! 🙂

QR codes are specially made images that have URLs attached to them. These codes are identified by using a smartphone’s camera app. You simply just need to open your camera app, hover over the QR code (let it focus) and your smartphone with pick up the code and ask if you would like to open the URL attached! Go ahead and try it out using the QR code in the above example.
So, as a realtor, what are some great ways you can use QR codes?
1.) Virtual flyers
- Instead of printing out all those flyers for your listings, why not just print out one QR code and attach your flyer to it using its URL? By doing this, every prospect that comes by your sign or inside your listing could leave with your flyer and contacting information on their phone!
2.) Video Tours
- If you decided to market your listing with a video tour, you could easily create a QR code for that video tour and include it on your sign and inside the listing. Maybe you even take a step further, and in your video tour, you introduced the property and talked a little bit about your favorite features. This is perfect to have on your sign outside because even when you are not holding an open house you can still address clients that stopped by and checked out your sign and the exterior of the home.
3.) 3D Matterport Tours
- Just like video tours, if you decided to market your listing with a Matterport 3D Tour, you could include that tour as a QR code. A perfect place to put this QR code would be on your sign outside, therefore, whenever someone comes by during “non” open-house hours, they can still scan the code and virtually move throughout the house!
So there you have it, a couple simple and easy ways realtors can start using QR codes to better their listings and real estate business!