If you knew where the right place was and could be there at the right time, wouldn’t you? When it comes to putting your house on the market, it seems that time has spoken and that magic day is… Thursday! Redfin has done a couple of studies over the past years and Thursdays have consistently proven to be the best days to put a house on the market. Not only do these homes sell FASTER but they also SELL FOR MORE!

In Redfin’s 2019 study, they found that a home put on the market on a Thursday sold for $3,015 more than a home listed on a Monday. Monday is the day being compared because it proved to be the worst day to put a home on the market. This “above asking” price already says a lot about why you should list on a Thursday; however, there is more.
In the same study, it was found that homes sold FASTER when listed on a Thursday compared to other days of the week. In fact, homes sold 6 days faster than the worst performing day of the week (Sunday). Pairing this fact with the additional cash in your pocket makes listing on Thursdays a no brainer!
For more detailed information, check out the full Redfin article here!